Raspberry Pecan White Chocolate Chip Gluten-Free Cookies

Did you see the post from monday? Red Velvet Cakies well it got my sweet tooth throbbing for something sweet, sugary, and delicious. So into my kitchen I went, and this is what I came up with! 
I’m pretty excited about these. Mostly because they satisfied my sweet tooth. They turned out to be delicious!
Although I am not gluten intolerant, I have friends and family that are and it is kinda fun to experiment with new ingredients.
Since I’ve been eating gluten-free foods I’ve also noticed that I don’t feel as “yucky” (not sure if that is the best word) after I eat a couple cookies. When I eat a couple regular cookies something I feel like there is a brick at the bottom of my stomach, with gluten-free cookies I don’t! Hooray!
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! My little girl sure loved them. 
Raspberry Pecan White Chocolate Chip Gluten-Free Cookies
          yield: about 15 cookies (plus a few snitches of cookie dough)
6 Tbls butter
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/4 honey
1 egg
1 1/2 cups Pamela’s Gluten and Wheat Free Baking and Pancake Mix (I’ve also found it at my local grocery store, so take a stroll around or ask!)
1/2 cup dried or dehydrated raspberries (or other fruit)
1/3 cup white chocolate chips (I used the brand Guittard Choc-Au-Lait Chocolate Chips they say gluten free right on the front)
1/3 cup chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cream together the butter and powdered sugar. Mix in honey and egg. Then add the Gluten free baking mix. Mix until everything is combined. Then gently mix in the raspberries, white chocolate chips, and pecans. With a spoon drop about a 1-inch ball of dough onto a lightly greased cookie sheet. Bake for about 12 minutes.

Ok first let me tell you about this baking mix. My grandma introduced it to my mom, who introduced it to me. Pamela’s Gluten and Wheat Free Baking and Pancake Mix is such a good baking mix. I’ve made the pancakes from off the bag and I honestly prefer them to any other non-gluten-free pancake mix I’ve tried. They are so good. Seriously! I’ve also made the chocolate chip cookies off the back of the bag, which are also a good gluten free cookie.

Anyway this is what my dough looked like- then I added the pecans, dehydrated raspberries, and white chocolate chips.
Baked and enjoyed! YUM YUM!
Like always thanks for stopping by!
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