6 Must-Have Sewing Tools

6 six must have sewing tools
(Other than your sewing machine)
As I write this post I just have to giggle to myself.
I have turned into my mom.
This isn’t a bad thing, not at all, I would love to be just like my mom, but if you would have asked me 15 years ago I would have laughed and said something much different.
My mom taught me everything I know about sewing. I remember her helping me at a very early age to sew a pouch with a zipper, which I’m sure she still has somewhere. I always thought she was kinda crazy when it came to her sewing tools. She was very particular.
But now that I’m older, I’ve realized she had a method to her madness and I know why she was so particular. Usually because when you are particular and don’t let little hands bend and goober things up, things stay nicer, work better, and last longer, especially when it comes to her sewing tools. 
Who’d have thought?
Now I’m giggling inside again. Oh if I would have just known these things when I was younger, if I would have just appreciated how awesome my mom was (and still is) when I lived at home.
Now I think I might be a little crazy, and a little particular when it comes to my sewing tools…
Now to the good stuff.
6 six must have sewing tools
Every seamstress, whether you are a beginning or a novice needs these tools.
1. Sharp Pins
2. Seam Ripper
3. Seam Gauge
4. Small, Pointed Scissors
5. Fabric Pencil/Marker
6. Measuring Tape
These just can’t be any pins, they MUST be sharp (or extra fine). Growing up using my mom’s tools I used her awesome sharp pins. Then when I moved out and started collecting and buying my own sewing tools, I bought the cheapest case of pins the store had. And let me tell you they were awful!! Pinning isn’t my most favorite thing about sewing to begin with so having bad, dull pins made it worst. Lesson learned, spend a couple more bucks and get the nice sharp pins. You’ll be a lot happier.
sharp sewing pins
This is a tool that I have a love/hate relationship with. I HATE it because it seems like I am ALWAYS using it, yes I make mistakes! But I sure LOVE this tool because without it I’m sure I’d just give up on my projects very early on and then never sew again. 
This also comes in handy when you are repurposing items, if you need to take a seam out that is already there so the fabric will work better, lay flatter or whatever, this tool is your friend.
seam ripper
This I use all the time. It usually has a small marker (Mine is blue) that can slide up and down the ruler. It is nice to have the marker to when you are sewing or ironing fabric you can change the gauge to a certain length and it is a easy to keep the seam or the hem the same. 
But in general it is nice to just have a ruler around to measure whatever needs to be measured. I usually measure, and double measure, and triple measure so I have all sorts of rulers, and seams gauges around my sewing room.
Seam gauge
These have become one of my favorite sewing companions, also called embroidery scissors. I use it to usually clip my thread ends, and sometimes it can double as a seam ripper or just a seam snipper. And with the scissors being small they are nice and easy to use, sometimes the larger full size scissors are cumbersome when trying to make small cuts.
 Small pointed scissors
I usually mark my fabric with pins, but sometimes you just need a small mark when a pin wont do. I usually use it when I am sewing from a pattern and the pattern needs a mark for a pleat or a fold. Sometimes a pencil is just way easier. Just make sure that it is a fabric marker or pencil that can be washed out.
fabric marker or pencil
I know I already have a seam gauge which is also a ruler, but usually those are pretty small, usually not over 6 inches or so. But having a longer measuring tape that you can measure fabric or to take measurements on yourself or someone else. You never know when this will come in handy.
measuring tape
All Things with Purpose

Bubbly Nature Creations