A Little Bit Behind the Other Blogger…

Hey guys! My name is Chelsea and I’m the other blogger!
I’m from San Francisco. I was born and raised in the Bay Area and will always consider it home. I have a BA in Art Education and I teach high school art–drawing, painting, ceramics…the usual. Right now, though, I’m currently working a couple part-time jobs while I look for another teaching position. 
Things You Never Thought You Wanted to Know About Me:

  1. I was born bald, like most babies, but remained that way until I was three years old. Then my hair grew in super choppy and I looked like an alien. 
  2. People said I looked like Popeye when I was a baby.
  3. I had to wear an eye patch through first and second grade because I had a weak eye. (basically what I’m getting at, is I was a very attractive child!)
  4. I’m missing my two incisors and looked like the Easter Bunny for 10 years until I got dental implants. (I also wore braces for five years…so I was also an attractive teenager!)
  5. Even with all my dental issues, I still LOVE going to the dentist. If I could go every day, I would. I’m a little OCD when it comes to my teeth. 
  6. I could eat cereal for every meal.
  7. I’m constantly reading books, and am always looking for something else to read.
  8. I’m horrible at math. Awful. Terrible. I don’t know all my multiplication tables…it’s that bad.
  9. I own four Snuggies.
  10. I hate jeans and I wish it more publicly acceptable to wear sweat pants everywhere.  

Mostly, I love being creative and making things with my hands. I also love being able to share what I know with others, and helping them create something of their very own. So I’m excited that I get to share things that I learn as I work on different projects with all of you! I’m going to let you all know right now that I’m not a super expert, and I can guarantee that I will make mistakes during these projects. A part of learning is making mistakes…and to me, that’s the fun part!