Happy Pi Day-Mini Apple Pie Recipe

Mini Apple Pie recipe for Pi day
Gluten Free Option
I’m so excited about what I’m sharing with you today!!
Mostly because I’m a little bit of a nerd, remember how I majored in math?
And guess what today is? Pi Day! As in the number Pi, 3.14159…. that goes on forever.
And if you are even more of a nerd the word 3.14 written backwards kinda looks like the word pie, so even better.
So in honor of Pi Day, I decided that a pie recipe is in order!
And mostly because I thought of this last minute and was worried that my pie wouldn’t turn out, just because I’m lucky like that I decided to make mini pies! 
One of them was bound to work right?
You’ll need:
a single batch of your favorite pie crust, or I’ve seen some mixes at the store… whatever works.
3-4 large apples (I used Granny Smith apples)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 Tbls lemon juice
1/4 tsp nutmeg
optional: cinnamon and sugar to sprinkle on top
In a muffin tin fill each tin with rolled out pie dough, to form a mini pie crust. Peel and core each apple, then slice into THIN slivers of apple. In a bowl combine all the filling ingredients and use your hands to mix. Then take some apple slices and jam pack the mini pie crusts full. Once they are baked the apples will become slightly smaller so the more apples the better! Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes, then cover with tin foil to prevent the crust from over browning, bake another 10-15. Take out and let rest for 10 minutes. ENJOY!
I first started with a gluten free pie crust mix. I used Mama’s Pie Crust Mix. I used half the mix which according to the bag makes one pie crust without the top. In the end I had about 8 mini pies.
Then fill the muffin tins with pie dough. This doesn’t have to be fancy, turns out little things are harder sometimes, but still taste just as delicious, or even better because small things are just awesome! 
In half of the tins I used muffin liners, half I didn’t. I wasn’t sure which way would be better, turned out it didn’t matter, each one turned out great!
Mini Apple Pie recipe for Pi day
Mix the filling ingredients together and then stuff full each pie with as many apples as you can. The more the better!

       Mini Apple Pie recipe for Pi dayMini Apple Pie recipe for Pi day                   

Bake and enjoy! And have a great Pi Day!!

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