Story Time Stones

aka the best game ever

As a part time nanny I’ve gotten used to playing a LOT of different games. I love a good board game every now and then…I rock at Chutes and Ladders like nobody’s business. But climbing up all those ladders day after day gets a little tiring. 
So I brought a new game over to the Kiddos house to mix it up a bit. 
This is not a new game, I’ve seen versions of this all over the Internet…but the best part about this is that you can make whatever you want and totally personalize it to you and your family.
I got a bunch of rocks that were mostly smooth, washed them off, and painted little pictures on them.
I sewed together a little bag to hold them in (which will be a tutorial later next week, so be on the look out!). Every person gets a turn pulling a stone out of the bag, and you make up a story to go along with that picture. Then every stone that gets pulled out, that person has to add on to the story. 
I played with the Kiddos after school today and we came up with some amazing stories:

Henry the Sheep
BOOM! There was an explosion! It came from the fireworks. Henry the Sheep put on his glasses and started to run away because he was afraid. He climbed up over the mountains because he was a mountain sheep. He hopped into the blue car and drove into the forest. It got really dark out and Henry looked at all the beautiful starts twinkling in the sky. The space monsters came and took him up into space to get a closer look at all the stars. But lightning struck and sent them all falling back down to earth. Hootsy the Owl flew over to where Henry landed and said “Welcome Home!”
The End

Hungry Monster
Once upon a time there was a dad and a mom and they had a baby. The lived under the oak tree. One day a hungry monster came and knocked on their house. “Rawr, I’m HUNGRY!” He growled. He opened the roof and ate all the baby’s food! Their friend Hootsy drove in the blue car. He brought the monster more food so he’d be happy and leave his friends alone. The monster ate the food and was full. And the were all happy.
The End

Our friend Hootsy the Owl quickly became a recurring character  in all our stories. 
This is a great game, and I can’t wait to paint on a few more rocks to expand the collection and bring new ideas for our stories.
{I was also thinking that I could make a set for church. I teach the CTR 7 / Valiant 8 class in Primary and I find they pay attention more when I tell them the stories out of the scriptures, like the story of Ammon the Arm Chopper
If you guys play this game, totally share your stories down in the comments. It’s fun to see where kids’ imaginations take them.} 

We linked up at The Shabby Nest

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