
I have a nice little collection of fabric building up now that I’m learning how to sew. I don’t like clutter so I wanted to make something to give away so I could free up some space.
I had a lot of the fabric I used for the travel art pouches I made, and thought they’d be great to use for this mobile.

I realized that I never really use any patterns. They confuse me sometimes, and I’d rather make something in my own style. So if most (or all) of the things I make that require sewing seem haphazard, forgive me.
I wanted something simple for this mobile, and I decided on some clouds. No two clouds are same,
(sounds like a metaphor for something, like…”plenty of fish in the sea” or “you can’t stand in the same river twice” haha) so I cut some random cloud-like shapes. 

Once again, you get a lovely view of my wool carpet!

With these, I folded the fabric in half so I wouldn’t have to sew up the bottom. I figured, the less sewing I have to do, the better. 
I sewed the tops of the cloud shapes together,
(I only had to call my mom to help me fix it three times. Improvement.)
leaving a couple inches open on the side to put the batting in.

I flipped them right side out and started filling them with batting. To make sure I got it all stuffed, I used the end of a pencil to shove the batting into the little corners that I couldn’t reach with my finger. 
Then I hand stitched the opening. 

For them to hang, I used a piece of embroidery thread–knotted one end and threaded it through the top. 
Making sure they are balanced can be tricky…but all I did to find the spot where it would hang evenly was pinch a little fabric on top, held it up and saw if it was balanced or not. 

You can hang these any way you want. I used an embroidery hoop that I spray painted gold. 
I tied the clouds onto it, and used more embroidery thread to hang it from my ceiling. When you’re hanging the mobile, its all a balancing act. You just have to find the right section on the hoop to tie your thread on.
I surprised myself on how well these turned out. I thought that because I had no pattern and really no organization to the shapes that they might come out weird, but I love this mobile!
I might just have to let this hang up in my house for a while before I give it away!

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