Christmas Accent Wreath

For awhile now I’ve been thinking of a way to add some Christmas decorations to my kitchen. I really don’t like things on my counters so I didn’t want to put decorations that sit on the counters. I also don’t have any space above the cupboards because of how the house was built so I was a little stumped. Then my love for wreaths popped in my head and I decided to make a few small ones to put on the front of my cupboards to add that Christmas touch! I am so excited on how they turned out!

You will need:
A bunch of fake garland/leaves
Hot glue gun and hot glue
Matches/lighter to burn the ribbon ends
This whole project cost me less than $15. I already had most of what I used, like an old box for cardboard, hot glue and the gun, matches, the razor, and tape. The only things I had to buy new were the leaves, which I got 14 bunches, 4 for each wreath. Those cost me a little over $10. I also bought the ribbon which was like $2.
So here is how its made!
First I found something that was round that was about the same size that would fit my cupboards. Turns out a had a little bowl that would work perfect.

 I wanted 4 wreaths so I made 4 circles, and then cut them out with a razor. (Remember to cut on something that its ok to get some razor marks, I was being carful so I just did it on the carpet in our spare room.)
Here are my circles.
I then needed to cut out the middle to start the wreath shape I wanted. I was going to make another smaller circle and cut along that circle but I couldn’t find anything that was the right size so I kinda just winged it. I wasn’t too worried singe I was going to be covering them up with the leaves anyway.

Next I took the leaves. I bought 16 bunches of leaves, 4 for each wreath. I thought maybe 4 would be too much but I wanted a full wreath and didn’t want to be able to see any of the cardboard that I used. 4 turned out to be the perfect number for these.
 I then pulled apart all the leaves so that I could glue them on one by one. I also didn’t want to have the extra wire from the stem.

 Here is my little pile from 4 bunches, so this would be for one wreath.

Next comes the hot glue! And more hot glue and more hot glue.
Now you just need to glue on one at a time. 

And then keep gluing.

Slowing adding more and more.
It’ll start to get full, make sure to cover up all the inside and the outside of the wreath so that you can hide all the cardboard.

Then when you’ve used all of the leaves you’re done gluing for this wreath.
Next  took some red ribbon. I measured it so that it hung halfway down the front of the cupboard and long enough so that I could tape the back to the other side of the cupboard, and then make sure to add a little extra for the bow. I cut the ends and melted them with a match so they wouldn’t fray.

I showed my husband and he suggested I put a little bit of tape on the back of the wreath that sticks to the cupboard so that when you open up the cupboard they doesn’t move around and get in the way. What a good idea! (Thanks, Dave!)
I think they turned out great! I love the extra color it brings to my kitchen.

Thanks for stopping by!

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