A little bit behind the blogger…

Hi everyone! My name is Alix Anderson and I love being crafty! This blog is a way for me to share all sorts of things, from sewing, crochet, paper crafts, printables, and a whole bunch more! I’ve lived in a few states but I claim Spokane, Washington as home. I am absolutely in love with the Pacific Northwest and could spend the rest of my life there, and die happy. I currently live in Southeast Idaho where my husband and I met in college at Brigham Young University- Idaho.

I got married in August 2008 to an amazing man, Dave. He is my everything. And as we grow, we learn more about each other, our relationship, and just being happy together. Say hi to Dave! He hates having his picture taken so I don’t have one of just him 😦

Then on October 11, 2012 (10-11-12), we welcomed our first bundle of joy, Vylette Raine. She has already taught me so much about myself this last year and its fun to watch her grown up fast!
And ten random things about me… 
1. I LOVE dark chocolate, the darker the better. And in turn I have the biggest sweet tooth ever. 
2. I played the clarinet for 6 years in elementary, middle school, and high school and I was AWFUL! No joke just plain awful!
3. I’m a HUGE daddy’s girl. Growing up my parents never really had to give me any punishments, they just had to give me a little guilt trip about what I did wrong or whatever and that was bad enough. What my dad thinks of me is HUGE deal to me.
3. I’ve lived in Utah, New York, Colorado, Washington, and Idaho. And I hope to add to that list, I love moving new places, meeting new people and having new experiences.
4. I have 3 awesome sisters, and 2 amazing brothers. I wish I was more like each of them in different ways, they are my role models. (I’m the 4th kid in the lineup.)
5. I secretly consider myself a little nerdy. I know more about Star Wars and Lord of the Rings than the average person. I also love all the comicbook movies that have been coming out the last few years.
6. I tend to know a lot of useless randoms facts. I can’t think of any right now but I have a thing for remembering random tidbits of information.
7. 9 times out of 10 I will have toenail polish on. I love having my toes painted BUT I can’t stand acrylic nails on my fingers, I feel like they are smothering. I like how they look but I can’t stand the feeling. I’ve had them probably 3 times in my life and I only keep them on for a day or two.
8. I am a Math Ed major. I love numbers and anything to do with patterns and sequences.
9. I am also a Art Ed Minor, having that combo with Math is pretty unheard of but I love math and I love art!
10. I love anything mini. I just bought some mini rubber spatulas and I use them for everything. I also always wanted an Easy-Bake oven when I was younger but I never got one. I STILL ask for one every year for Christmas. I think my husband thinks I’m joking but I’m not.

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